Submit grades / results

Lecturers enter grades and results in eDoz and send them as a list to the Study Administration Offices for further processing.

Students can see their grades or results (passed/not passed), and the associated credits, in their transcript of records in myStudies as soon as they have been officially decreed by the Study Administration Offices.

In order to do this, the Study Administration Offices require a list of grades or results created by the examiners in eDoz.

Enter grades /results

Grades / results can be entered directly in eDoz. By clicking “Save”, the results will be saved but not yet submitted to the Study Administration Offices. Grades / results still can be changed later.

Enter grades / results in an external application

As an alternative to entering everything in eDoz, a list can be exported and edited within an application of your choice (separate instructions). Important: When exporting lists, the information on sorting order for umlauts must be observed.

Submit list to relevant Administration Offices

With “Save and deliver” a new page will load. By clicking “Send grades/results” on the next page, a new list of grades will be generated and submitted to the relevant Study Administration Offices.

What does that mean?

  • A new list of grades with all saved, but not yet delivered grades / results will be generated.
  • This list will be submitted automatically to the relevant Study Administration Offices (before sending, a definitive confirmation is asked for again).
  • It is not possible to change grades/results once they have been submitted. If necessary, the Study Administration Office has to be contacted.
  • As many lists as needed can be created.
  • Students whose results have already been delivered are no longer shown in the list of open results. Students are also no longer displayed if the Study Administration Office has already registered the result.
Enlarged view: Submit list of grades: click save and submit data
Submitting list of grades
Enlarged view: The page ‘Grades/Results: Submission’ shows a blue "Send Grades/Results" button on the left and a blue "Back" button on the right

Opening completed list of grades

A completed and submitted list will be saved and can always be viewed as PDF.

Enlarged view: View submitted list
View submitted list
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